Digital Materialities
For someone who has little to no experience with digital modeling (until quite recently, myself included), it is hard to imagine what that world looks like. These images and models help show the process and visual experience of making 3D models. In my experience, producing digital models is like a combination of fixing a net, molding clay, and troubleshooting a glitchy computer. It's something that almost anyone can learn given enough time and a few good tutorials, but when you begin, it's like learning to hold a pen all over again. Like learning any skill, you have to practice, fail, flail, and learn how to move in this new medium. But once you get it, it seems like something you've always known how to do.
Outlining a ceramic profile
Creating 3D Meshes
Modeling from a cylinder
Editing 3D Meshes
UV Maps
Projecting an Image in Mudbox
Carving Digital Meshes
Maps from Lidar Data
Want to learn how to make these models?
Check out the Reconsider Illustration blog for in-depth tutorials of 3D modeling.